How to Transform Stress

4 Wellness Actions of Laughing, Dancing Singing and Playing Could Transform Your Stress into Relaxation

Practicing Laughter Yoga each day is a ritual I have gotten obsessed with since it has  inspired me repeatedly through it’s magical healing properties. The alchemical nature of laughter is becoming transparent to me with each application especially during  challenging and stressful times.  Every successful attempt with laughter further strengthens my belief in it’s medicinal qualities and instant relaxation it offers. 

 Laughter practice allows you to overcome stress in the spontaneity of a moment instantly and VOILA it works like MAGIC ALWAYS. Within a few minutes, you are ready to take on your day with zest and vigour. 

The 4 ingredients of laughing, singing, dancing and playing are quite effective to help release stress from your life. The positive energy of these 4 actions have the potential to bring you back into your natural flow state of health and happiness.

I hope you could inspire yourself  to laugh more for NO REASON and break through the resistance towards unconditional laughter.

Keep Laughing, Smiling and Playing


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