Awaken Your Laughter Potential

Awaken Your Laughter Potential

I came across Laughter Yoga as a part of my Kundalini Awakening and Healing Journey. While I was awakening to my truth and its energetic dimensions, I was also sailing through a wave like patterns or cycles of pain and wellness. The process was opening up my consciousness and   bringing me closer to the understanding of energetic dimension of our existence.

I was awakened to my laughter potential at that time in my life when  I was hijacked by  a persistent pattern of pain on the left side of my body along with myriad of other changes my system was experiencing.  Despite trying many healing processes and modalities for 14 years, the condition was persistent . I decided to give a try to Laughter Yoga at the suggestion of my sister and it worked like magic wand in the first intentional attempt of  trying to use laughter and breath as healing tools. I was able to heal my condition through breath and laughter with 40 minutes of intentional breath and laughter practice realising that the energy stuck around my diaphragm and heart region needed a dose of breath and laughter. I  could not have found a better medicine or cure than laughter living up to the adage “Laughter is the best medicine.” Since then, I have developed an inner relationship with my laughter potential.

I will share with you my understanding and discovery of laughter as an energy with great potential for health, healing and happiness.Laughter Yoga gives us the skills and tools to creatively co-create the infinite probabilities for awakening our healing potential for health and wellbeing. I will share in the following points my discovery of Laughter and Breath Energy  that helped me cure a long lasting energetic discomfort:

  1. Yogic Breath in Laughter Yoga is the foundation of maintaining health and preventing ill health in many ways. Breath is a life force energy regulating the flow of chi along different meridian points of our body. Breath is also regulated by our autonomic nervous system. Our body and mind share a connection. Research evidence reveals that 80% of information that is carried to our brain comes through body signals and only 20% of decision making is done by brain based upon 80% of bodily signals. I got evidence through my own experience that cognitive processes are lesser effective when it comes to opening up stuck spaces during healing process. Somatic or body based practices help regulate the flow of energy better in an  intuitive and organic way. Laughter Yoga is a somatic practice with focus on yogic breath.
  2.  Laughter is a positive energy of wellness and vitality. When we are able to  laugh, we are existing in an optimal wellness spectrum of existence. Developing my laughter capacity for health and happiness as an exercise program appealed to me instantly as my body intuition was guiding me towards it. Moreover, I could sense how laughter raises our vibrational frequency initiating a series of positive changes that could follow through with its initiation in our daily life.
  3. Laughter Yoga focuses on four elements of joy: singing, laughing, dancing and child like play. All these elements allow us to imbibe  positive resonance through such engagement.Our default survival brain often gets stuck in nitty gritty issues of life and mind chatter is often prone to negative default programming. Practice of Laughter yoga could definitely help to evolve anyone  based on their subjective goals and motivations. Since Laughter reduces the sympathetic fight and flight response, it also helps expand our relaxation response of parasympathetic nervous system. Repeated exposure to expanding your laughter capacity consciously creates new neural pathways in the brain creating a network for new habitual behaviour.
  4. Laughter is natural and authentic response of human beings. Using laughter as an exercise tool makes it  free and readily available quickest resource of wellness.and stress relief.  One of the many  benefits of Laughter Yoga is its ability to reduce stress instantly. Stress is the main cause of many physical and psychological ailments. 

Bringing more laughter in your daily life as an exercise program allows you to discipline yourself to a regulated regimen for your health and happiness. The only requirements are your passionate intention to awaken your laughter potential through daily practice and motivation. Don’t wait for illness to pester you towards wellness. Take charge of your wellbeing through Laughing by Choice. Remember Happiness is a Choice and Laughter gives you a Choice of Happiness and a Bonus of Health. Ha ha Keep Laughing!

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