Dark Night of the Soul

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It is God’s kindness to terrify you in order to lead you to safety. -Rumi

Discover how to navigate darkness and get out of illusion of false ego self to open the doors of Grace and Light to shine through your being in the midst of inner turmoil and chaos.Equip yourself with knowledge and knowing that will help you navigate your path of spiritual unrest with a layer of hopeful exploration allowing you to show compassionate understanding to your fearful and hopeless parts.It is like rebirthing into a sense of  freedom that emerges through observing the death of a false old self.

 Are you scared of losing the familiar zone of living through each day and terrified of newness that seems unfamiliar and alien to you?

Perhaps you’re going through a challenging life situation that has pulled the ground from underneath your feet.

Even during the challenging and dark parts of our life, there are flickers of divine hope, requiring our attention so we could be led through this  Divine light  into a promise of new life.

 The “dark night of the soul” — originally named by 16th-century Spanish poet and Roman Catholic mystic Saint John of the Cross — is emotionally painful and disorienting process but essential and organic parts of your evolution. It’s a powerful initiation and the greatest mystery of the authentic mystical path.

It is an initiation into your original divine self as you were meant to be existing in this universe. And if you carry right knowledge and skills to navigate through this dark journey with awareness, you can become more awakened and connect with your Divine Essence and true potential.The dark night of the soul is a mystical journey guiding you through a transformation equivalent to a phoenix rising through its ashes.It is a rebirthing and reparenting process of your divine self.

Letting go and releasing the old layers of conditioning and ego self is not an easy feat.  Conditioning by society, cultural mores, and our own misperceptions and negative beliefs tend to threaten the ego, which clings to what’s familiar and fears getting attacked.

Yet, the death of the false ego self  and related beliefs is at the core of a true dark night of the soul. Experiencing trauma, loss, betrayal, or deep depression takes us into the darkness, where old emerges with ferocity and intensity deeming impossible  to  escape from it drawing you closer to the Divine and preparing  you for a more authentic and sacred life.

Having lived through her own intense experience, Ashoo Modgil describes her own experience…

I believed I would never emerge from the deep depths of destruction happening in my innermost core self causing chaos that seemed like stoppage of life force within me though my five senses were intact and fully functioning. However, the vitality of life force had been stripped out of my being disabling my resolve to live through my days with sheer dependance on my will power. It was here in this space, I was made to realize the insignificant nature of my false  egoic existence and the ultimate freedom that one can begin to integrate through acceptance and surrender to the forces of Higher Nature.

 We are  invited into the throes of  dark time at one time or another; you may, in fact, be experiencing the challenges of this very human process right now.

In  this course with Ashoo Modgil,  you’ll learn what is happening to you during different cycles and phases of your process. This enhanced awareness will act like a strong ground you could fall back and lie to rest on as you journey through the process with a sense of knowing that it is meant to pass and you are safe.

These powerful insights were developed by Ashoo Modgil during her own dark night, which lasted more than a  full decade. One can counter the darkness when the spiritual qualities of humility, surrender and faith are applied with devotion to the Divine.

 This divine and graceful initiation will continue to pour its light into different areas  of your life, even after the dark recesses have receded.

This is a self paced video course .

The course comprises of 3 videos of 44 minutes duration:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Dark Night of the Soul?
  3.  Stages of Dark Night of the Soul